

  How silver-sweet sound lovers’ tongues by night,
  Like softest music to attending ears!


  Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day
  Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.


  The Tragedy of Troilus and Cressida
  The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus Andronicus
  The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
  The Life of Timon of Athens
  The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
  The Tragedy of Macbeth
  The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  The Tragedy of King Lear
  The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
  The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
  The Tragedy of Cymbeline
  “My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
  My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
  The more I have, for both are infinite.” -William Shakespeare


  How do you brighten up one of the most tragic tales ever told? By telling it with puppies and kittens, of course. This ageless story of star-crossed lovers, quarreling families, and unconditional love is one of the Bard s most beloved plays, but you've never seen it quite like this. This adorable retelling includes the complete, unabridged text with explanatory footnotes and the occasional frolicking pup and kitten. The ideal version for a first time introduction or a lifelong fan."



威廉.莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)1564-1616

  斯特拉福(Stratford)手套商之子,出生於英格蘭守護神聖喬治(Saint George)的節日(四月二十三日),是英國詩人及劇作家;

  生長於斯特拉福的雅芬河畔( Stratford-upon-Avon)被稱為英國的民族詩人、雅芬河的吟遊詩人(Bard of Avon)。

  1582年,與安妮.哈瑟維(Anne Hathaway)結婚,婚後生下長女及一對雙胞胎。1585-1592年,關於莎士比亞的歷史紀錄極少,是所謂的「失考的歲月」。

  1589-1613年,極力創作劇本。1592年後,莎士比亞名震舞台,成為伊麗莎白一世(Elizabeth I)時代最受歡迎的劇作家。

  1599年,居住於泰晤士河南岸,劇團並於此處建造了環球劇場(Globe Theatre)。

  莎士比亞一生共創作了三十八部戲劇、一百五十餘首十四行詩。1616年逝世,兩日之後葬於聖特里尼蒂教堂(Holy Trinity Church)的祭壇。

  William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English dramatist, poet, and actor, generally regarded as the greatest playwright of all time.
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