Career of Evil

Career of Evil
NT $ 263
  • 作者:Robert Galbraith
  • 出版社:Hachette Book Group
  • 出版日期:2016-04-19
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0316317470
  • ISBN13:9780316317474
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版



  ★繼《杜鵑的呼喚》、《抽絲剝繭》後,J.K. 羅琳再次化身羅勃 ‧ 蓋布瑞斯,備受期待的私家偵探史崔克系列最新續集!
  ★BBC 改編電視影集!英美 Amazon 書店讀者 4 顆半星好評如潮!
  ★【作家】小野、【「1976 樂團」主唱】陳瑞凱、【作家】寵物先生 一致推薦!






  《邪惡事業》是 J.K. 羅琳繼《杜鵑的呼喚》和《抽絲剝繭》後,再次以「羅勃 ‧ 蓋布瑞斯」為筆名,所推出的私家偵探史崔克系列第三集。手段高明又兇殘的無預警事件充斥全書每一個角落,而男女主角在公私兩方面都面臨了無法預料的轉折,更將讓你無法放下這本書!


  《邪惡事業》是柯莫藍.史崔克私家偵探系列的第三本,也是最佳的一本!…… 這本節奏完美的小說包裝了許許多多的意外,而每一個意外都以毫無瑕疪的犯罪小說邏輯鋪排開來。──今日美國報

  十足的閱讀享受!…… 這部偵探小說的情節設計機巧緊湊,具備了這個文類最令人滿意的元素:好人、壞人、線索、轉折、謀殺,在情感與道德的層次上也有極佳的描寫。──全國公共廣播電台/安娜麗莎 ‧ 昆恩

  有趣極了!…… 這位才華洋溢的說書人駕馭了這塊新地盤……《邪惡事業》登上寶座,當之無愧! ── 芝加哥論壇報

  扣人心弦…… 引人入勝,內容豐富,節奏明快,讓人無話可說!──紐約時報

  結局暴力,出人意表,而且令人滿意…… 讓人愛不釋手的一本小說! ──泰晤士報

  不一樣的離奇…… 就讓我們繼續期待,機智的史崔克將成為經典!──獨立報




  Career of Evil is the third in the highly acclaimed series featuring private detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott.

  When a mysterious package is delivered to Robin Ellacott, she is horrified to discover that it contains a woman's severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but no less alarmed. There are four people from his past who he thinks could be responsible--and Strike knows that any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality.

  With the police focusing on one of the suspects, Strike and Robin delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men. But as more horrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them...


  ""Career of Evil is the third--and best--novel in the engaging Cormoran Strike private detective series. . . . [Galbraith has] invented a serial killer for the ages, one who chills us from the book's grim but riveting opening. . . . This perfectly paced mystery is packed with surprises, all of which play out with flawless crime-fiction logic.""―Jocelyn McClurg,USA Today (4/4 stars)

  ""Pure pleasure. . . . That's what makes these novels so good: They are clever, tightly plotted mysteries with all of the most pleasurable elements of the genre (good guy, bad guy, clues, twists, murder!), but with stunning emotional and moral shading.""―Annalisa Quinn, NPR

  ""Hugely entertaining . . . This gifted storyteller has taken full command of the new turf. . . . Career of Evil succeeds powerfully on its own terms.""―Lloyd Sachs, Chicago Tribune

  ""Strike and Robin are just as magnetic as ever.""―Michiko Kakutani, New York Times

  ""Another triumph . . . Its darkness is mitigated by its sparkling protagonists.""―Kim Hubbard, People



羅勃 ‧ 蓋布瑞斯 Robert Galbraith

  羅勃 ‧ 蓋布瑞斯是《哈利波特》系列、《臨時空缺》暢銷作家 J.K. 羅琳的筆名。

  他的代表作柯莫藍.史崔克系列堪稱當代犯罪小說的經典,無論故事情節、角色刻劃和細節安排都非常精采豐富,前兩本書《杜鵑的呼喚》和《抽絲剝繭》均十分叫好叫座,史崔克系列近期更被英國 BBC One 電視臺改編拍成電視劇,由勃朗特影視製作公司製作,備受矚目。

  Robert Galbraith is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, bestselling author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy. Career of Evil is the third book in the highly acclaimed Cormoran Strike crime fiction series. The Cuckoo's Calling was published in 2013 and The Silkworm in 2014
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