THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2018/12/22 第51期

THE ECONOMIST 經濟學人雜誌 2018/12/22 第51期
NT $ 297


The end of the year is the one time when our cover design and our first leader part company. Our cover this week depicts a blue-and-white porcelain bauble decorated with a crane, an origami boat, a swimmer, an artist and much more—all feature in our double issue. 
Our first leader contemplates the uses of nostalgia. Politicians have always exploited the past but just now, rich countries and emerging economies are experiencing an orgy of reminiscence. Pessimism and nostalgia are powerful forces shaping today’s politics. To harness them, you must first understand them.
Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief 
Must-reads from the current edition
Saudi Arabia
A prince fails to charm
The country’s economic reforms are not attracting investors or creating jobs
[Middle East and Africa]
Peace offering
China plays nice
Tariff cuts and policy changes are designed to sustain the trade truce with America
[Finance and economics]
Goodbye, good chap
Britain’s chummy model of government is coming apart
And just when it is most needed
Placating the masters of the universe
AMLO is trying to be a fiscally responsible populist
[The Americas]
Ovation nation
Our country of the year
Which place improved the most in 2018?
A selection from more than a dozen special features
A Russian tale
The inner workings of Vladimir Putin’s state
A set of illicit recordings reveal the fall of Alexander Shestun
It will never take off
The great Texas emu bubble
What if tulips had been six feet tall and ran at 50km an hour?
Lady Murasaki
The ghost of courtship past
A medieval romantic novelist returns to Japan and discovers how love has changed
Freshwater swimming
Cold comfort
Finding oneself in the rivers, lakes and ponds of England
From Bartleby to Bagehot
Our Christmas quiz
An opportunity for seriously curious readers to stretch their wits
America and China started a trade war, the world’s worst such dispute in decades. America imposed tariffs on $250bn-worth of Chinese products; China responded with tariffs of its own. America also slapped duties on steel imports from Europe, Canada, Mexico and elsewhere, infuriating its allies. Donald Trump intervened on national-security grounds to scupper a $117bn bid from Broadcom, a chipmaker with ties to South-East Asia, for Qualcomm. It would have been the biggest-ever tech merger. There was one de-escalation: America, Canada and Mexico struck a deal to update NAFTA.


THE ECONOMIST 《經濟學人》雜誌是全球最有公信力的一本週刊,已享譽國際百餘年。經濟學人編輯風格與眾不同,每則報導皆由編輯負責群一同精心討論出來,因此每篇文章採納 各方意見,立場絕對中立,而非以個人觀點報導。這也是為什麼經濟學人的每一篇文章皆不具名。


英國《經濟學人》雜誌的寫作風格十分有特色,注重於如何在最小的篇幅內告訴讀者最多的信息。《經濟學人》的文章也以妙語聞名,是學英文 、準備留學學子的一流讀物。

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