DISCOVER Taiwan 看見台灣 秋季號/2018 第30期

DISCOVER Taiwan 看見台灣 秋季號/2018 第30期
NT $ 190
  • 出版社:今日傳媒
  • 出版日期:2018-09-10
  • 語言:繁體中文


2018 台北《米其林指南》揭曉,總計共有 20 家餐廳順利摘星,由米其林指南國際總監米高艾利斯親自來台宣布,共有 110 間餐廳收錄其中,其中包含 36 間必比登推介以及 20 間摘星餐廳。 其中,文華東方酒店的雅閣獲得一星,教父牛排、金蓬萊遵古台菜餐廳、天香樓、RAW、TaÏrroir態芮等 17 間也同獲一星;二星餐廳則有祥雲龍吟以及喜來登大飯店請客樓。祥雲龍吟更具有日本龍吟的三星血統。至於最高三星評鑑則由君品酒店的頤宮中餐廳獲得榮耀。


2018《台北米其林指南》 20 餐廳摘星
Michelin Guide Taipei 2018 20 Star-Picking Restaurants

10 前言  Preface
11 全台唯一三星頤宮中餐廳 先知鴨、雞火豆腐絲招牌必吃Le Palais at Taipei’s Palais de Chine Hotel, the Only Three-Starred Restaurant in Taiwan Must-Eat: Crispy Roast Baby Duck and Stir-Fried Shredded Tofu, Chicken and Ham.
12 數十年磨一劍 二星請客樓來吃記得「悄悄話」Sharpening the Sword over a Decade Remember “For Ears Only” When Dining in the Two-Starred Guest House
13 回歸在地食材原味 祥雲龍吟做出屬於台灣的日本料理Back to the Original Flavor of Local Ingredients.Shoun RyuGin Makes Taiwan-Style Japanese Cuisine.
14 La Cocotte by Fabien Vergé
15  MUME
16 大腕Da-Wan Yakiniku Dining Restaurant
17 吉兆割烹壽司Kitcho
18 雅閣Ya Ge
19 大三元酒樓Three Coins
28 香火不斷/不忘阿公遺言 百歲香行「拈花惹草」擦亮金招牌Never-ending Incense/ Never Forget Grandpa’s Dying Wish A Hundred-Year-Old Incense Shop Polishes Its Signboard by “Fiddling with Flowers and Grass”
32 香火不斷/百年香鋪老闆轉型高價養生香 為文化續命Never-ending Incense/ A Hundred-Year-Old Incense Shop Proprietor Transforms High-Priced Healthy Incense to Continue the Culture
42 歷史建物收容所 保存老建築靈魂Shelter for Historic Buildings Preserves the Souls of Old Buildings
48 2018臺南香科年登場 精華懶人包抵加啦Everything You Need to Know about the 2018 Tainan Temple Festivals Year is All Here
52 2018台北霞海城隍文化節/和城隍老爺開趴踢 The 2018 Taipei Xiahai Chenghuang Cultural Festival / A Party with the City God
54 淡水大拜拜/清水祖師繞境 青山王、北港媽共襄盛舉 The Great Tamsui Worship Ceremony / Qingshui Master Pilgrimage with Qingshan King and Beigang Mazu
56 新莊大拜拜/迎接文武大眾爺 鹹光餅讓民眾吃平安The Great Xinzhuang Worship Ceremony / Greetings to Wen Wu Da Zhong YeHsiankuang Cakes are Available as a Symbol of Peace
58 北港老塗獅專訪/武德倫理擺第一 遵循傳統永不變An Interview with Beigang Lao Tu Shi / Martial Morality and Ethics are Top Priority  The Traditions to Follow Will Never Change
64 搭竹筏溼地探險去 花蓮理想大地打造超美秘境Explore the Wetlands on Bamboo Rafts - Promisedland Resort & Lagoon in Hualien Creates Alluring Secret Realm
66 詹朴:遊走於浪漫與不浪漫之間 Between Romantic and Realistic
68 帶六萬元踏上環遊世界旅程 台灣女孩Amber窮遊圓夢Travel around the World with NT$60,000 – Taiwanese Girl Amber Realized Dream Economically
72 為拍60秒短片赴非洲 台灣部落客莫莉驚艷國際Traveled to Africa to Shoot a 60-Second Short Film – Taiwanese Blogger Molly Stunned the World
76 鏡頭裡的愛情時光專訪同志婚紗攝影師周尚樺
84 實體書店被網路打趴?戴勝益:五年內書本重回閱讀主流Are Brick-and-Mortar Bookstores Defeated by Online Bookstores?Sheng-Yi Dai: Books Will Return to the Mainstream within Five Years
88 聽障能彈琴?折翼天使樂團奏出彩色人生Playing the Piano despite of Hearing ImpairmentThe Yunlin Angel Orchestra Performs a Colorful Life
92 關於愛的少女呢喃 19歲作家何貞儀:請陪我心痛A Girl’s Whisper about LoveFrom 19-Year-Old Author Zhen-Yi He: Please Share My Heartbreak
94 藝流企業家林富男:用藝術豐富生命 用文化壯大國力Artistic Entrepreneur Fu-Nan Lin: To Enrich Life with Arts and Empower the Nation through Culture
98 啤酒智能飲品機 底部出酒好潮 創新商業模式有潛力Smart Beer Machine: Filling Up Beer from the BottomAn Innovative Business Model with Lots of Potentials
99 新零售、區塊鏈技術夯 虛實整合成顯學 創新商機百花齊放The Popularity of New Retail and Blockchain TechnologyClick-and-Mortar is a Dominant Doctrine in the Full Bloom of Innovative Business Opportunities
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