
NT $ 855
  • 作者:劉后安
  • 出版社:元照出版
  • 出版日期:2005-09-01
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9867279301
  • ISBN13:9789867279309
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版



  刑事法學類執筆的國內外刑事法學者跨越五個研究世代,有Hans-Ludwig Schreiber、蔡墩銘、Gunther Jakobs、Ingeborg Puppe、李聖傑、Bernd Schunemann、陳志龍、Albin Eser、王效文、林鈺雄、楊雲驊、何賴傑;公法學類執筆者橫跨三個世代,有許宗力、許玉秀、陳慈陽、蔡宗珍、黃昭元、江玉林、葛克昌、蕭文生、陳英鈐、陳春生、李震山、蔡志方、林明昕、林明鏘、陳耀祥、盛子龍。都是以寫作態度誠懇、研究嚴謹知名的學者,他們的作品值得細讀。

  This book contains twelve papers on Criminal Law and sixteen papers on Public Law. The topics on Criminal Law cover the elements of criminal responsibility; objective ttribution; traditionalprotection of life; modern cyber crimes; economic crime; and related issues on the scope of prosecution and the rule of law. Topics on Public Law include general and special administrative control; the issues of fundamental rights related to DNA and fingerprints; the establishment of administrative self-governance and parliamentary order; procedural issues on constitutional review. Authors of papers on Criminal Law embrace five research generations, and authors of papers on Public Law three research generations. These authors are known to be sincere writers and methodical researchers. We recommend their works to you.



目 錄
序 蔡墩銘
罪 責
.Ist der Mensch fur sein Verhalten rechtlich
verantwortlich∕Schreiber, Hans-Ludwig∕3
.Die subjektive Tatseite∕Jakobs,Gunther∕43

.Die Lehre vom Schutzzweck der Norm
∕Puppe, Ingeborg∕83

.Unternehmenskriminalitat∕Schunemann, Bernd∕131

.“Sanctity” and “Quality” of Life: A Comparative
Review in the Light of the German Law
∕Eser, Albin∕215





.預定裁量(Intendiertes Ermessen)論∕陳春生∕595


蘇俊雄教授著作目錄 816
執筆者、譯者與職稱 821
編後記 國際刑法學會台灣分會



  二○○三年八月間,蘇俊雄大法官的同鄉晚輩國立高雄大學財經法律學系姚志明教授,提議為蘇俊雄大法官出版七秩華誕祝壽論文集。籌備工作雖然提早開始,但編輯委員會作業時間仍舊不足,祝壽論文集因而分成兩冊,第一冊收錄部分刑法學者及民商法學者的獻文,偏勞姚志明教授編輯,於二○○五年八月六日出版;部分刑法學者的文章與公法學者的獻文則收錄於第二冊,另行由國際刑法學會台灣分會專責編輯,公法學類由銘傳大學法律學系陳英鈐副教授協助編輯,並幸得美國水牛城紐約州立大學刑事司法學系系主任宋蕙瓏教授擔任英文編輯顧問。論文集於二○○五年九月二十八日出版,並於當天與國立政治大學刑事法中心,假國立政治大學行政大樓第一會議室共同舉辦學術研討會,德國刑法學者波昂大學Ingeborg Puppe 教授且與會發表演說,會後舉辦祝壽餐會向蘇俊雄大法官祝賀,是為誌。

  Epilogue In August 2003, Professor Yao, Chi-Ming, a junior colleague and faculty member in the Department of Financial and Economic Law at the National Kaohsiung University, proposed that we compile an anthology in honor of Constitutional Court Justice Su’s seventieth birthday. Professor Yao edited the first of the two volumes of the anthology, which addresses business law and criminal law and was published on August 6, 2005. The International Association of Criminal Law, Taiwan Chapter has edited this second volume which deals with criminal law and public law. Chen, In-Chin, Associate Professor in the Department of Law at the Ming-Chuan University assisted in the Chinese editing, while John H. Song, Professor and Chair in the Department of Criminal Justice at the State University of New York, College at Buffalo served as an advisor of English editing. The International Association of Penal Law, in conjunction with the Center of Criminal Law, National Chengchi University, will host a seminar in the First Conference Room in the University’s Administration Building on September 28, 2005, the date when the second volume of the anthology is published. Professor Ingeborg Puppe from Bonn University in Germany will deliver a speech at the seminar, followed by a birthday celebration to honor Justice Su, Jyun-hsyong.

  International Association of Panel Law (AIDP), Taiwan Chapter Translated by Dr. John H. Song

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