認識台灣歷史 1至10冊

認識台灣歷史 1至10冊
NT $ 2,700



  "A History of Taiwan in Comics" is written from a Taiwanese perspective, employs the latest findings in historical research and is presented in a concise and attractive comic book format.


  This ten-volume set covers a millennium of compelling political, cultural and social change in Taiwan and provides insight into the fascinating lifestyles and values of the numerous ethnic groups that have inhabited the island at various stages during that period. Gain a more profound understanding of Taiwan with "A History of Taiwan in Comics."

編輯特色.Special Features


  [Let's Talk About Taiwan]: Dr. Wu Mi-cha, Taiwan history expert, has written 10 reader's guides to help you quickly grasp Taiwanese history!


  [Let's Learn History Through Comics]: Lively illustrations presented with bilingual Chinese-English text make learning history fun and interesting


  [Mini-Encyclopedia of Taiwan History]: The Mini-Encyclopedia has 65 entries, with historical facts and anecdotes that tell the story of Taiwan's founding peoples in a lively fashion.


  [Taiwan Timeline]: The major events of Taiwan's history can be seen at a glance in timelines spanning thousands of years.


  [Taiwan History Q&A]: The 100 test questions included here will challenge your knowledge of Taiwan's history!



A greater understanding of Taiwan starts with "A History of Taiwan in Comics"

.第1冊 遠古時代:南島語族的天地
Ancient Times: Austronesian Origins
.第2冊 荷蘭時代:冒險者的樂園
The Dutch Era: A Paradise for European Adventurers
.第3冊 鄭家時代:鄭氏集團的興衰
The Koxinga Period: The Rise and Fall of the Jheng Regime
.第4冊 清朝時代(上):唐山過台灣
The Cing Dynasty (I): Leaving the Mainland for Taiwan
.第5冊 清朝時代(中):羅漢腳的世界
The Cing Dynasty (II): The World of the "Wandering Bachelors"
.第6冊 清朝時代(下):戰爭陰影下的建設
The Cing Dynasty (III): Construction Under the Shadow of War
.第7冊 日本時代(上):日本資本家的天堂
The Japanese Era (I): The Backyard of Japan's Capitalists
.第8冊 日本時代(下):覺醒的年代
The Japanese Era (II): The Age of Awakening
.第9冊 戰後(上):強人天空下
The Post-World War II Era (I): In the Realm of the Strongmen
.第10冊 戰後(下):改革與開放
The Post-World War II Era (II): Reform and Openness


總策劃的話.Message from the Editor-in-Chief






編輯室報告.Editor's Notes





  1. 本套書的陳述方式,以嘗試重現歷史、開放式思考為目標,力求做到:
  (1) 中性用語,略微加入輕鬆鏡頭,增添閱讀趣味。
  (2) 事實陳述,盡量不做價值判斷,讓讀者在史實進行中有所體會。
  (3) 破除傳統偶像式迷思、揚善不隱惡,忠於可考證的史料。
  (4) 對於通俗爭議,不提供標準化答案,由讀者於各種說法中自行研判。

  2. 目前台灣的居民(Taiwanese),可以大別為「華人(Chinese)」和「原住民(Indigenous Peoples)」。
  (1) 「華人」包括二十世紀之前移入的福佬系、客家系,甚至二十世紀中期之後移入的「外省人」;一般常被稱為「漢人(Han Chinese)」,本套書改稱為「華人」。
  (2) 一九九四年政府回應「原住民」的「正名」要求,不再稱為「山胞」,本套書改稱「原住民」;這是個泛稱,其中因為語言、文化、社會組織等等的個別差異,可以歸類成好幾族。

  3. 本套書英文譯音均採行「通用拼音」;如有另一種說法,例如鄭成功之父鄭芝龍譯音為「Jheng Jhihlong」,但他在國外文獻上多以「Nicolas Iquan Cheng」出現,便在第二冊首次出現時,以欄外註的方式註明供參考;例外情況為台灣各縣市名、當代人名等等,則參考內政部公布的地名譯寫原則、政府年鑑、國際慣例、學術常用字等等拼注方式。

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