Policy Responses to Precarious Work in Asia(平裝)

Policy Responses to Precarious Work in Asia(平裝)
NT $ 171 ~ 333
  • 作者:Arne L. Kalleberg等11人
  • 出版社:中央研究院社會所
  • 出版日期:2015-09-22
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9860449643
  • ISBN13:9789860449648
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 260頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  社會所蕭新煌特聘研究員合編「Policy Responses to Precarious Work in Asia」出版

  這本書由社會所蕭新煌特聘研究員與美國北卡大學(Chapel Hill)社會學系Arne L. Kalleberg傑出教授及澳洲Murdoch大學亞洲研究中心主任Kevin Hewison 傑出教授共同主編,也是三人過去幾年來攜手合作所進行的亞洲非典型勞動整合型國際比較研究計畫的最新成果。本書已由本院社會所於日前出版。






Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao

  Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao is Distinguished Research Fellow andDirector of the Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica and Professorof Sociology at National Taiwan University and National Sun Yat-senUniversity. In addition, he is also Chair Professor of Hakka studies atNational Central University. He had previously served as a NationalPolicy Advisor to the President of Taiwan between 1996 and 2006, andas Executive Director of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Area Studies inAcademia Sinica. His areas of specialization include civil society, newdemocracies, middle class in Asia, local sustainable development,Hakka studies, and NGO studies. His most recent books include:Lessons o/Taiwan 's Local Environment (editor, 2015); Writing Taiwan'sThird Sector History II (editor, 2015); Near Neighbors: Issues in Taiwan and Hong Kong Societies (co-editor, 2014); Globalization and NewIntra-Urban Dynamics in Asian Cities (co-editor, 2014); Politics,Ethnicity. Religions and Art in Indonesia (co-editor, 2014); WritingTaiwan's Third Sector History I (editor, 2014); Democracy orAlternative Political Systems in Asia: After the Strongmen (editor, 2014)and Chinese Middle Classes: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and China(editor, 2014).

Arne L. Kalleberg

  Arne L. Kalleberg is Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology atthe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also has adjunctappointments in Business, Global Studies and Public Policy. He haspublished more than 120 articles and chapters and 11 books on topicsrelated to the sociology of work, organizations, occupations and industries, labor markets, and social stratification. His most recent bookis Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and PrecariousEmployment Systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s (Russell SageFoundation, 2011). His major current projects include a cross-nationalstudy of the causes and consequences of precarious work in a number ofAsian and European countries and the role of community colleges in workforce preparation. He served as President of the AmericanSociological Association in 2007-2008 and is currently the editor ofSocial Forces, An International Journal of Social Research.

Kevin Hewison

  Kevin Hewison is Sir Walter Murdoch Professor of Politics andInternational Studies and Director of the Asia Research Centre atMurdoch University in Western Australia. Before this, he was WeldonE. Thornton Distinguished Professor in the Departmentof Asian Studiesat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Acknowledgments iii

Contributors v

PART I Overview

I. Featuring Policies on Precarious Work in Asia 1
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Arne L. Kalleberg,and Kevin Hewison

2. Confronting Precarious Work in Asia: Politics and Policies 13
Arne L. Kalleberg and Kevin Hewison

PART II Country Case Studies

3. Policy Responses to the Precarity of Non-regular Employmentin Japan 49

4. Labor Market Flexibility and Policy Issues ofNon-regular Employment in SouthKorea 81
Kwang-Yeong Shin

5. Assessing Reform of the Policies on Nonstandard Workersin Taiwan 105
Peter Jen-Der Lu£, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao,and Chien-Hung Lee

6. Regulating Precarious Labor for Economic Growth andSocial Stability in China 135

7. Labor Struggle Against Increasing Labor Precarity inSoutheast Asia 179
Rene E. Ofreneo

8. Precarious Work in Indonesia: State and Policy Responses 211

9. Policy Responses to Precarious Work in Sri Lanka 237


  This edited book originated in an International Conference on PolicyResponses to Precarious Work in Asia held in Institute of Sociology(IOS), Academia Sinica, on December 12-13, 2013. It was organizedand sponsored by IOS. The chapters collected in this volume are revisedversions of the papers previously presented at the Conference. Thecurrent chapter on Indonesia was later commissioned after theConference, and we are grateful to IndrasariTjandraningsih for heragreement to contribute to the book. We are also thankful to all otherchapter authors for their support and patience at the Conference andduring the review and revision processes for publication.Just one useful information to all our readers, this current book canbe viewed as the sequel to the two consecutive special issues on
Precarious Work in East and Southeast Asia in American BehavioralScience 57: 3-4 (2013), guest edited by Arne Kalleberg and KevinHewison.As editors of this book, we would like also to extend our sinceregratitude to the staff of IOS who have helped in the organization of theConference and during the production of the volume.

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao
Arne L. Kalleberg
Kevin Hewison
March 2015
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