Semiconductor Devices:Physics and Technology【臺大九十週年校慶版】

Semiconductor Devices:Physics and Technology【臺大九十週年校慶版】
NT $ 342 ~ 855
  • 作者:S. M. Sze(施敏)
  • 出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心
  • 出版日期:2018-11-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1119521904
  • ISBN13:9781119521907
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 584頁 / 19 x 26 x 2.6 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  Offering a basic introduction to physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology, this resource presents students with the theoretical and practical aspects of every step in device characterizations and fabrication, with an emphasis on integrated circuits. Divided into three parts, the text covers the basic properties of semiconductor materials, emphasizing silicon and gallium arsenide; the physics and characteristics of semiconductor devices; bipolar and unipolar special microwave and photonic devices; and the latest processing technologies, from crystal growth to lithographic pattern transfer.



S. M. Sze

  S. M. Sze is UMC Chair Professor of the National Chiao Tung University and President of the National Nano Device Laboratories, Taiwan, R.O.C. For many years he was a member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories. Professor Sze is the co-inventor of nonvolatile semiconductor memory. He has written numerous texts on device physics, including PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, considered a reference classic. In 1991, he received the IEEE J. J. Ebers award for his “fundamental and pioneering contributions to semiconductor devices.” He received his PhD in solid-state electronic from Stanford University in 1963.


CHAPTER 1 Introduction
 1.1 Semiconductor Devices
 1.2 Semiconductor Technology
CHAPTER 2 Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium
 2.1 Semiconductor Materials
 2.2 Basic Crystal Structure
 2.3 Basic Crystal Growth Technique
 2.4 Valence Bonds
 2.5 Energy Bands
 2.6 Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
 2.7 Donors and Acceptors
CHAPTER 3 Carrier Transport Phenomena
 3.1 Carrier Drift
 3.2 Carrier Diffusion
 3.3 Generation and Recombination Processes
 3.4 Continuity Equation
 3.5 Thermionic Emission Process
 3.6 Tunneling Process
 3.7 High-Field Effects
CHAPTER 4 p-n Junction
 4.1 Basic Fabrication Steps
 4.2 Thermal Equilibrium Condition
 4.3 Depletion Region
 4.4 Depletion Capacitance
 4.5 Current-Voltage Characteristics
 4.6 Charge Storage and Transient Behavior
 4.7 Junction Breakdown
 4.8 Heterojunction
CHAPTER 5 Bipolar Transistor and Related Devices
 5.1 The Transistor Action
 5.2 Static Characteristics of Bipolar Transistor
 5.3 Frequency Response and Switching of Bipolar Transistor
 5.4 The Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
 5.5 The Thyristor and Related Power Devices
CHAPTER 6 MOSFET and Related Devices
 6.1 The MOS Diode
 6.2 MOSFET Fundamentals
 6.3 MOSFET Scaling
 6.4 CMOS and BiCMOS
 6.5 MOSFET on Insulator
 6.6 MOS Memory Structures
 6.7 The Power MOSFET
CHAPTER 7 MESFET and Related Devices
 7.1 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts
CHAPTER 8 Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, and Hot-Electron Devices
 8.1 Basic Microwave Technology
 8.2 Tunnel Diode
 8.3 IMPATT Diode
 8.4 Transferred-Electron Devices
 8.5 Quantum-Effect Devices
 8.6 Hot-Electron Devices
CHAPTER 9 Photonic Devices
 9.1 Radiative Transitions and Optical Absorption
 9.2 Light-Emitting Diodes
 9.3 Semiconductor Laser
 9.4 Photodetector
 9.5 Solar Cell
CHAPTER 10 Crystal Growth and Epitaxy
 10.1 Silicon Crystal Growth from the Melt
 10.2 Silicon Float-Zone Process
 10.3 GaAs Crystal-Growth Techniques
 10.4 Material Characterization
 10.5 Epitaxial-Growth Techniques
 10.6 Structures and Defects in Epitaxial Layers
CHAPTER 11 Film Formation
 11.1 Thermal Oxidation
 11.2 Dielectric Deposition
 11.3 Polysilicon Deposition
 11.4 Metallization
CHAPTER 12 Lithography and Etching
 12.1 Optical Lithography
 12.2 Next-Generation Lithographic Methods
 12.3 Wet Chemical Etching
 12.4 Dry Etching 431
 12.5 Microelectromechanical Systems 443
CHAPTER 13 Impurity Doping
 13.1 Basic Diffusion Process
 13.2 Extrinsic Diffusion
 13.3 Diffusion-Related Processes
 13.4 Range of Implanted Ions
 13.5 Implant Damage and Annealing
 13.6 Implantation-Related Processes
CHAPTER 14 Integrated Devices
 14.1 Passive Components
 14.2 Bipolar Technology
 14.3 MOSFET Technology
 14.4 MESFET Technology
 14.5 Challenges for Microelectronics
APPENDIX A List of Symbols
APPENDIX B International Systems of Units (SI Units)
APPENDIX C Unit Prefixes
APPENDIX D Greek Alphabet
APPENDIX E Physical Constants
APPENDIX F Properties of Important Element and Binary Compound Semiconductors at 300 K
APPENDIX G Properties of Si and GaAs at 300 K
APPENDIX H Derivation of the Density of States in a Semiconductor
APPENDIX I Derivation of Recombination Rate for Indirect Recombination
APPENDIX J Calculation of the Transmission Coefficient for a Symmetric Resonant-Tunneling Diode
APPENDIX K Basic Kinetic Theory of Gases
APPENDIX L Answers to Selected Problems







  •《程序制度機能論》(民事程序法之理論與實務 第一卷)(邱聯恭著)
  •Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology (2nd Edition)(施敏著)


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  The book is an introduction to the physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology. It is intended as a textbook for undergraduate students in applied physics, electrical and electronics engineering, and materials science. It can also serve as a reference for practicing engineers and scientists who need an update on device and technology developments.


  • Chapter 1 gives a brief historical review of major semiconductor devices and key technology developments. The text is then organized into three parts.

  • Part I, Chapters 2-3, describes the basic properties of semiconductors and their conduction processes, with special emphasis on the two most important semiconductors: silicon (Si) and gallium arsenide (GaAs). The concepts in Part I will be used throughout this book. These concepts requires a background knowledge of modern physics and college calculus.

  • Part II, Chapters 4-9, discusses the physics and characteristics of all major semiconductor devices. We begin with the p-n junction which is the key building block of most semiconductor devices. We proceed to bipolar and field-effect devices and then cover microwave, quantum-effect, hot-electron, and photonic devices.

  • Part III, Chapters 10-14, deals with processing technology from crystal growth to impurity doping. We present the theoretical and practical aspects of the major steps in device fabrication with an emphasis on integrated devices.


  Each chapter includes the following features:

  • The chapter starts with an overview of the topical contents. A list of learning goals is also provided.

  • The second edition has tripled the worked-out examples that apply basic concepts to specific problems.

  • A chapter summary appears at the end of each chapter to summarize the important concepts and to help the student review the content before tackling the homework problems that follow.

  • The book includes about 250 homework problems, over 50% of them new to the second edition. Answers to odd-numbered problems, which have numerical solutions are provided in Appendix L at the back of the book.


  The second edition can provide greater flexibility in course design. The book contains enough material for a full-year sequence in device physics and processing technology. Assuming three lectures per week, a two-semester sequence can cover Chapters 1-7 in the first semester, leaving Chapters 8-14 for the second semester. For a three-quarter sequence, the logical break points are Chapters 1-5, Chapters 6-9, and Chapters 10-14.

  A two-quarter sequence can cover Chapters 1-5 in the first quarter. The instructor has several options for the second quarter. For example, covering Chapters 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14 produces a strong emphasis on the MOSFET and its related process technologies, while covering Chapters 6-9 emphasizes all major devices. For a one-quarter course on semiconductor device processing, the instructor can cover Section 1.2 and Chapters 10 -14.

  A one-semester course on basic semiconductor physics and devices can cover Chapters 1-7. A one-semester course on microwave and photonic devices can cover Chapters 1-4, 7-9. If the students already have some familiarity with semiconductor fundamentals, a one-semester course on Submicron MOSFET: Physics and Technology can cover Chapters 1, 6, 10-14. Of course, there are many other course design options depending on the teaching schedule and the instructor’s choice of topics.


  • Instructor’s Manual. A complete set of detailed solutions to all the end-of chapter problems has been prepared. These solutions are available free to all adopting faculty.

  • The figures used in the text are available, in electronic format, to instructors from the publisher. Instructors can find out more information at the publisher’s website at:
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