
NT $ 269 ~ 1,440
  • 作者:欣麒創意有限公司
  • 出版社:欣麒創意
  • 出版日期:2019-05-08
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN10:9869426018
  • ISBN13:9789869426015
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 232頁 / 21 x 29.7 x 3.25 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版


  《百富鑑賞攻略》P9叢書.威士忌系列的專書,是「The Balvenie 百富 」首度在大中華與亞洲地區推出中英文版的威士忌品牌鑑賞專書,它不僅能讓讀者一睹百富過去的珍藏佳釀,還能從珍貴的史料內容中深入了解百富威士忌。P9品酒網發行人Rick Tang:就讓本書成為帶領酩家進入百富的世界,一同想像——如果歷史的長河中流淌著竟是威士忌,那該是多麼美好的一件事。





  有鑑於國內蓬勃的酒類市場,於2007年10月成立了品酒網 www.p9.com.tw希望提供一個能讓網友,尋找美酒相關資訊、同時也提供網友正確的飲酒觀念、安心購物及討論的平台。



前言 Foreword......................................... 3
推薦序 Preface................................ 4

01│百富酒廠故事 The Story of The Balvenie Distillery .......................................... 18

關於百富酒廠 About The Balvenie Distillery ........................................... 20
格蘭父子集團 About William Grant and Sons Ltd. ............................................. 26
百富與斯貝賽 The Balvenie and Speyside .............................................. 30
百富在台灣 The Balvenie in Taiwan ................................................ 40

02│百富威士忌五大工藝 The Balvenie’s Five Rare Crafts ..................... 42
百富五大工藝之一:自種大麥 Home-Grown Barley ..................................... 44
百富五大工藝之二:鋪地發芽 Traditional Floor Malting ............................................... 52
百富五大工藝之三:銅匠技藝 Coppersmith .................................. 60
百富五大工藝之四:桶匠技藝 Cooperage ............................................... 68
百富五大工藝之五:調酒大師 Malt Master ...................................................... 76
我所認識的百富酒廠職人 The Craftsmen I Know ........................................... 82

03│百富首席調酒師傳奇故事 The Legend of The Balvenie Malt Masters ................... 86

大衛史都華 David C. Stewart MBE ...................... 88
凱西麥肯尼 Kelsey McKechnie ................ 96
一個奇想,改變了整個世界 The Idea that Changed the World ..... 102

04│百富收藏家 The Balvenie Whisky Collectors ....... 108
用五感饗宴生活 Feast on Life with Five Senses ........... 110
享受品飲 悠遊酒海 Enjoy a Drink, Travel Leisurely .............. 116

05│酒款介紹 The Balvenie Whisky ............... 122
百富演進史 The Evolution of The Balvenie ........... 124
經典酒款 Classic ................................... 127
單一酒桶酒款 Single Barrel Range ...................... 147
高年份酒款 Rare and Precious ............................ 152
珍稀年份酒款 Vintage .................................. 167
首席調酒師典藏系列酒款 DCS Compendium Collection ........... 192
免稅店專賣酒款 Travel Retail Range ............................................ 198
特殊酒款 Special Edition ............................. 203
百富威士忌酒款索引 Index of The Balvenie Whiskies ....... 215

06│附錄 Appendix .................................. 218
和百富共經傳世百年 Living through Centuries with The Balvenie .... 220
回首輝煌:百富獲獎紀錄 A Glory to Behold - The Balvenie's Award Record ........ 224







[ A Distillery Anecdote ] The Boss is Coming: Stop Stealing the Whisky!!

百富台灣品牌大使 沈宇軒 The Balvenie Brand Ambassador in Taiwan Daniel Shen

在2017年春天,我拜師學藝花了三個月的時間,在台灣學習以手工打造了這個黃銅色的取酒器,一方面為了要深刻體驗手工的困難與複雜度,另一方面也是紀念威士忌酒廠一個有趣歷史。在一百多年前,在蘇格蘭酒廠工作的工人們,忍受不了生命之水美味的誘惑,拜託製造蒸餾器的銅匠,用紅銅及黃銅做了一根管子,投入橡木桶中即可取出威士忌,這個取酒的道具被稱為dipping dog 或是copper dog。


Back in the spring of 2017, I spent three months taking up an apprenticeship in Taiwan where I learned how to handcraft this brass-coloured instrument: dipping dog. Firstly, I wanted to experience in-depth the difficulty and complexity that comes with handcrafting. I also wanted to honor an interesting part of the distillery’s history. Even for Scottish distillery workers more than a hundred years ago, the temptation of the water of life was something hard to resist. They asked the coppersmiths who made the stills to fashion a tube made of copper and brass. Once dipped into a cask, this copper tool was able to extract whisky. This extraction tool is called a dipping dog or copper dog.

Its tube-like shape made it easy for workers to conceal it inside their trouser legs. They would then sneak whisky home and enjoy it by stealth. It is said that more a hundred years ago, William Grant the founder would whistle loudly or knock on the cellar’s door when he was inspecting his distillery during his daily patrol. It turns out old William was a very attentive boss. His whistling was meant to warn his employees: “the boss’s comin’: stop stealing whisky from the casks!”

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