
NT $ 239





01 螃蟹與媽媽
The Crab and His Mother
02 潘多拉的盒子
Pandora’s Box
03 狼與鶴
Ten Wolf and the Crane
04 以德報怨
Good for Evil
05 無價的狗
The Priceless Dog
06 奧爾良的女英雄
A Heroine of Orleans
07 公主的百寶箱
The Treasure Box of the Princess
08 沉默是金
Silence is Golden
09 奇怪的訪客
A Strange Visitor
10 花床的秘密
The Secret of the Flowerbed
11 奇聞軼事
Stories and Anecdotes
12 富有的國王和貧窮的農夫
A Rich King a
13 阿基米德與金皇冠
Archimedes and the Gold Crown
14 神奇的魔法帽
A Hat with Magic Power
15 致命傷
16 不當將軍的士兵不是好士兵?
A Soldier Who Doesn’t Want to be a General Isn’t a Good Soldier?
17 別用笨方法思考!
Don’t Think the Way a Donkey or a Bee Does!
18 貓有九條命
A Cat Has Nine Lives
19 貧窮的音樂家
A Poor Musician
20 獅身人面之謎
The Riddle of the Sphinx
01 面包店老板娘與她的貓
The Bakery Lady and Her Cat
02 給人以魚不如授人以漁
To Give a Fish or Teach How to Fish
03 三明治的由來
The Origin of Sandwich
04 聖誕節的由來
The History of Christmas
05 蒙娜麗莎之謎
Who’s Mona Lisa?
06 達摩克利斯之劍
The Sword of Damocles
07 永遠的兩姐妹
Forever Sisters
08 誠實的華盛頓
George Washington and the Cherry Tree
09 愚人節的電話你敢接嗎?
Prank Calls on April Fools’ Day
10 蘇格蘭男人的裙子
Scottish Men’s Skirt
11 巴比倫的空中花園
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
12 連體嬰
Conjoined Twins
13 伊麗莎白一世
Queen Elizabeth I
14 美國國務卿賴斯
The United States Secretary of State - Condoleezza Rice
15 ?界上最高的人
The Tallest Man in the World
16 吉尼斯世界紀錄
Guinness World Records
17 老人與海
The Old Man and the Sea
18 美國雇主與雇員之間的關系
The Connection Between Employers and Employees in the US
19 達?芬奇密碼
The Da Vinci Code
20 JK羅琳與哈利波特
J K Rowling and Harry Potter
01 英美待客的差異
Different Ways to Treat Your Guests
02 朱迪?福斯特
Jodie Foster
03 英國媒體
The British Media
04 不同的飲食習慣
Different Eating Habits
05 貝克漢姆個人簡介
An Introduction to Beckham
06 英式足球與美式足球的區別
Differences Between Football and Soccer
07 老少配會幸福嗎?
Generation Gap Age Disparity VS Happiness
08 音樂與足球的完美結合
The Perfect Combination of Music and Football
09 外資公司對英文履歷的要求
A Foreign Company’s Requirements for Your English Resume
10 英美文化的差異
The Differences in British and American Culture
11 智商測驗
IQ Test
12 美國人最忙的一天
On Which Day is the American the Busiest?
13 巴黎風情
The Fantasy in Paris
14 美國精神科醫生與牙醫的共同點
The Common Points Between American Psychiatrists and Dentists
15 美國鄉村音樂
American Country Music
01 十字軍東征
02 MSN即時通訊的功能簡介
The Key Features of MSN Messenger
The Death of Lincoln
04 世紀大發現——中國?兵馬俑
The Great Discovery: The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin China
05 日本的失業率
Japan’s Unemployment Rate
06 電腦市場的領導地位
Computer Markets Take the Lead
07 神奇的極光
Amazing Auroras
08 機器人醫生問世
Robot Doctors on Duty
09 英語的發展歷史
A Concise History of English Language
10 通往幸福之路
The Way to Happiness
11 東西方文化的差異
The Differences Between Asian and Western Cultures
12 北美發現最古老靈長類化石
North America’s Oldest Known Primate Discovered
13 澳大利亞留學簡介
Studying in Australia
14 英國人最常撒的小謊
The Most Common White Lies Told by the British
15 睡眠的重要性
The Importance of Sleep
01 職場成功小秘訣
Secrets to Career Success
02 美國高層主管的薪資
Executive Compensation in US Companies
03 醫學新領域
The Frontiers of Medical Science
04 經濟危機
A Talk on the Economic Crisis
05 克隆羊成功的關鍵
Key To Cloning Success
06 華爾街金融風暴
The Wall Street Storm
07 奧運會的經濟效應
The Economic Effects of the Olympic Games
08 都是石油惹的禍
The Oil Curse
09 紙與印刷的歷史
The History of Paper and Printing
01 成功的國際商務談判
Successful International Business Negotiations
02 白領階層現況
White-Collar Employees Nowadays
03 不可或缺的團隊合作
The Importance of Teamwork
04 服務業的前景展望
The Future of Service Industries
05 企業外包的好與壞
The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing
06 中國的拇指經濟
China’s Thumb Economy
07 打造中國的全球搜索引擎
Global Search Engines in China
08 美式英語與英式英語的主要差異
The Main Differences Between American English and British English
09 所謂的後現代主義
The So-Called Postmodernism
10 電子商務與現代物流
E-Commerce and Modern Logistics
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