Flash Boys

Flash Boys
NT $ 399
  • 作者:Michael Lewis
  • 出版社:Penguin Group UK
  • 出版日期:2014-03-31
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0241003636
  • ISBN13:9780241003633
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版



  1989年,麥可.路易士以描寫華爾街交易員生涯的《老千騙局》成功打開市場,晉身為國際暢銷作家;1999年,《The New New Thing:以新致富的矽谷文化》帶領讀者認識網際網路與資訊革命;2008年金融海嘯後,他在2010年出版《大賣空:預見史上最大金融浩劫之投資英雄傳》,見證史上最大金融風暴真相,被認為是《老千騙局》最佳續集。

  曾經擔任所羅門兄弟債券交易員的麥可.路易士,擅長運用黑色幽默的犀利筆調寫出由「人」主導的商業故事,書中主角個性鮮明、形象立體,加上張力十足的情節,經好萊塢改編拍成電影後多能獲得各界好評。寫作總與當下時事環環相扣的路易士,新作《Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt》受到出版圈與商業界的高度矚目,預計又將帶來一波金融新話題。(文/ 博客來編譯)

  If you thought Wall Street was about alpha males standing in trading pits hollering at each other, think again. That world is dead.

  Now, the world's money is traded by computer code, inside black boxes in heavily guarded buildings. Even the experts entrusted with your cash don't know what's happening to it. And the very few who do aren't about to tell - because they're making a killing.

  This is a market that's rigged, out of control and out of sight; a market in which the chief need is for speed; and in which traders would sell their grandmothers for a microsecond. Blink, and you'll miss it.

  In Flash Boys, Michael Lewis tells the explosive story of how one group of ingenious oddballs and misfits set out to expose what was going on. It's the story of what it's like to declare war on some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. It's about taking on an entire system. And it's about the madness that has taken hold of the financial markets today.

  You won't believe it until you've read it.





麥克.路易士Michael Lewis

  曾任所羅門兄弟債券交易員,出道作《老千騙局》(Liar’s Poker)便讓他躋身國際暢銷作家之列。另有已改編為電影的《攻其不備》(The Blind Side)、《魔球》(Money Ball),以及《大賣空》(The Big Short)等多本暢銷著作,為《紐約時報》及AMAZON暢銷書榜常勝軍。現與妻小定居加州柏克萊。

   Michael Lewis was born in New Orleans and educated at Princeton University and the London School of Economics. He has written several books including the New York Times bestsellers Liar's Poker, widely considered the book that defined Wall Street during the 1980s, The Big Short, 'probably the single best piece of financial journalism ever written' (Reuters) and Boomerang. Lewis is contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and writes for Vanity Fair and Portfolio magazine.

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