Wabi-Sabi Welcome: Learning to Embrace the Imperfect and Entertain With Thoughtfulness and Ease

Wabi-Sabi Welcome: Learning to Embrace the Imperfect and Entertain With Thoughtfulness and Ease
NT $ 828
  • 作者:AdamsJulie Pointer
  • 出版社:Artisan
  • 出版日期:2017-06-13
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1579656994
  • ISBN13:9781579656997
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 20.3 x 26.7 x 2.5 cm / 普通級


  本書作者長年為 Kinfolk 團隊籌備工作坊、晚餐聚會等等,在這本 Wabi-Sabi Welcome 中,她將侘寂美學(wabi-sabi aesthetic)的基本元素融入到當代生活中,包括細心款待賓客(專注聆聽而毫不分心)、創造舒適好客的環境(固定挪出時間相聚)、選擇低調的裝潢(杯盤和傢俱以木製或陶製等材質為主)、以自然做裝飾(使用採集而非花店購得的花朵)、在不完美中尋找美感(從亞麻餐巾的皺摺,到對遲到賓客輕鬆以對的態度)…等等。本書章節依照五個地點編排:日本、丹麥、加州、法國,以及義大利——這些地方對家居擺飾的態度最接近 wabi-sabi 的美學。而書中也有豐富的照片以及實用的清單。

  Wabi-Sabi Welcome applies the basic principles of the wabi-sabi aesthetic to modern entertaining. It’s about being attentive to your guests (listen without being distracted; unplug), creating a welcoming environment (leave the door unlocked; make time to be together), choosing modest décor (dishes and furniture made from materials that endure, such as wood or clay), decorating with nature (with an emphasis on foraged, not store-bought, blooms), finding beauty in imperfections (wrinkled linen napkins, along with a relaxed attitude about late-coming guests), and much more. The book is organized into chapters of five locations--Japan, Denmark, California, France, and Italy--places where the approach to home décor and entertaining best reflects wabi-sabi principles. The book is complete with lush photography and practical checklists.

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