READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 1月號/2017 第01期

READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 1月號/2017  第01期
NT $ 158


現代禮儀已變遷The rules of modern etiquette have changed in today’s world


好禮儀怎麼了What happened to good manners
深厚友誼The big friendship
救援沉車Sinking car rescue
對世異類觀感See the world differently
吃相真情顯漏You are when you eat
精通填字遊戲Master the crossword
恐怖分子柔情Romancing the terrorist
13號星期五 Friday the 13th
少即是多Less is more
糖 新菸草Sugar, the new tobacco
舒渡牛津運河Gently down the stream
阿爾卑斯救回卡琳Catrin’s long way back


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