READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 2月號/2020 第2期

READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 2月號/2020  第2期
NT $ 158




尋找一個健康的超級英雄?去超市。有些食物可以對抗糖尿病或心臟病,換句話說,它們可以拯救你的生命。這並不誇張。《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》(the New England Journal of Medicine)上的一項大型研究發現,任何年齡段的人,只要開始在飲食中加入健康食品,就能延長壽命。例如,每天用一份堅果或豆類代替一份紅色肉類或加工肉類,可以降低8%至17%的過早死亡風險。但是你如何為自己選擇最好的方案呢?我們採訪了健康專家,問他們:你希望人們在飲食中加入哪種營養豐富的食物?下面是他們的…

18 Foods Proven to Heal

Many of us suffer from medical conditions linked to our diets. These nutritional powerhouses can make you healthier with every bite

Looking for a health superhero? Head to the supermarket. Some foods have the power to fight diabetes or heart disease – in other words, they can literally save your life. That’s not an exaggeration. A large study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that people of any age who started including healthy foods in their diets improved their chances of living longer. Replacing one serving of red or processed meat a day with one serving of nuts or legumes, for instance, was linked to an eight to 17 per cent reduced risk of premature death. But how do you choose the best options for you? We talked to health experts and asked them: what one nutrient-packed food would you like people to add to their diets? Here are their…


摘述各國溫情故事、科技新知、健康養生、莞爾引言、勵志事跡、人生哲理, 創刊80餘年,備受各行各業讀者喜愛。
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