常春藤解析英語(MP3版) 12月號/2017 第353期

常春藤解析英語(MP3版) 12月號/2017 第353期
NT $ 189


Reward yourself with a year-end vacation to a tropical destination and bring along the December issue of Ivy League as a travel guide.
While you're living it up in paradise, it might be a good idea to learn how to scuba dive so you can go Diving Deep: incredible Blue Holes . A long day of exploring the ocean depths deserves to be topped off by kicking back on Beaches Being Saved by... Beer?
Even after a few drinks, the perfect getaway isn't complete without some amazing delicacies, which you can only find by Eating with the Locals .
Having fun in the sun all day can be tiring, but a cup of Turkish Coffee with a Twist will be sure to perk you up before your flight. During the long journey back home, you'll need some tunes to pass the time. We've got you covered with a taste of Taiwan Hip-Hop Royalty .
The time has come to enjoy the finer things in life and treat yourself to a holiday in the sun with Ivy League .
在深海裡探索一整天之後,你該回到《陽光、沙灘、比基尼 ── 喝啤酒救地球》來好好畫下句點。暢飲幾杯後,若沒有一些佳餚的話,這趟完美旅程就不算完整,而你可以藉由《共「饗」不分你我》來尋覓當地美食。
我們準備了《從國際紅回臺灣 ── Aristophanes貍貓》的歌曲好讓你沉浸其中。該是享受生命中更美好事物的時候了,招待自己跟著《常春藤解析英語》來一段陽光假期吧。


Take a Trip to the Andes and Easter Island
自然與人文薈萃之地 ── 智利

Eating with the Locals

Turkish Coffee with a Twist


《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號,是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。首創全國針對大學考及托福考試結合廣播所發行之英語雜誌。 一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀者需求,並已在事業經營建立良好社會形象,多年來深獲全國英文老師的口碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第一品牌! 同時,由於雜誌編著嚴謹,賴教授廣播方式幽默風趣與博學多才,除了在台灣地區的英語廣播教學界享有盛名之外,更聲名遠播中國大陸地區,透過中央人民廣播電台播音節目為廣大大陸地區聽眾服務,此外與北京大學、清華大學、遼寧大學、瀋陽外語學院 等知名學府,均建立有英語教學合作關係。
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