American Indian Performing Arts: Critical Directions

American Indian Performing Arts: Critical Directions
NT $ 1,125


Literary Nonfiction. Native American Studies. Performing Arts. With an introduction by Jace Weaver, this collection of essays analyzes Native theater, dance, and music performances through indigenous critical lenses. Contributors to this volume include both recent and established scholars who offer provocative studies of the ways in which Native performing artists "re-present" American Indian history, culture, art forms, spiritual traditions, and/or contemporary issues in their works. Jacqueline Shea Murphy writes, "The scope is exciting, both in what the essays focus on—contemporary Native plays, an early 20th century Sun Dance opera, punk rock band musicians, turn-of-the-century jazz bands, contemporary modern dance—and also in the issues the authors raise and consider.... The result is a vibrant, insightful, wide-ranging, and crucial contribution to the growing discussion about this important field."
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