READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 2月號/2017第02期

READER’S DIGEST 讀者文摘英文版 2月號/2017第02期
NT $ 158


封面故事標題:重新思考癡呆症We need to rethink dementia

封面故事:惱人治療加深活勁A disturbing diagnosis triggered a deep resolve to keep living


癡呆症越活Life beyond dementia
給小女生一條魚Give a girl a fish
She was my prosecutor
Ikea如何佔遍全世界How Ikea took over the world
閱世不同觀點See the world differently
網絡Amy會上Duane When Amy met Duane online
動物情感Animal passion
夢的十三個啟示13 things your dreams reveal about you
如何談情說愛How to fall in love
小小英雄The littlest hero
好運的訣竅Ways to get lucky
沿著酒道行走Rolling along on the wine trail
印度人是最佳曲滾球選手The best hockey player in the world is Indian


摘述各國溫情故事、科技新知、健康養生、莞爾引言、勵志事跡、人生哲理, 創刊80餘年,備受各行各業讀者喜愛。
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